If I ask you what the most worthy asset in the world is, what would you answer?

  • Gold?
  • Money?
  • Real Estate?
  • Bitcoin?
  • Diamonds?
  • Knowledge?
  • Fame?
  • Fitness?

In my opinion, I must say that the most valuable asset in the world is Time. We’ve all learned that “time is money.” Well, here’s why I consider that Time is the most crucial asset in the world.

First, it’s limited. You only receive a limited amount of time in your life, and every single day, the amount you have left shrinks just a tiny bit more. Most of us believe we’ve got around 70 to 80 years, but that isn’t the case when you consider that those 70, 80 years aren’t created equally.

When it comes to living a life, fulfilling your dreams, getting desired things, Most of the people would say that they have to wait years to go because they simply can’t afford to buy their goals presently. And every second, they’re losing more and more time, that is the most valuable asset in the world. The one asset they’ll genuinely need to enjoy what they achieve, Time.

In reality, Time is being sold every single day in all kinds of businesses through products and services that are intended to help you save and preserve as much Times you can. The medical and health industries don’t sell you remedies or supplements. They sell you Time. The computer industry doesn’t sell computers. They sell a machine that allows you to get more done in less time. The more Time machine saves you, the more money it costs.

Audi, Ford, Ferrari, Mercedes, Tesla? They don’t sell cars. They sell time you buy a car because you want to get places faster. You buy a plane ticket for the same reason.

So Why Am I Telling this?

Because I only have one disappointment when I think back at the start of my profession as an entrepreneur. I regret that I ruined five years of my life striving to grow a business unsuccessfully when that pressure, sacrifice, and years were utterly worthless. What caught me five years, could have been achieved in 18 months or less if I had only realized the value of time that I could buy more of it.

Yes, you can buy time to reduce your learning curve, but first, let’s talk about you for a minute.

You’re reading this article because you are thinking of improving your quality of life. You want to boost your income. You want to endure all that life has to offer. You want to execute what you want when you want and with whom you want. In other words, you’re here because you desire to live a life of freedom.

Why freedom?

Freedom enables YOU to determine how you want to spend your TIME rather than someone else. So here’s my question for you.

If you had a preference, would you like to accomplish that kind of freedom in 5-10 years or 1-2 years? Indeed, you’d like to accomplish financial accomplishment and freedom as fast as feasible.

Considering that’s the case, here’s how to do that.

When It Arrives In a Creating A Thriving Business, There’s Only One Thing Holding In Your Way

You’re missing the right knowledge.

Right now, you’re experiencing, stuck, and disappointed because you can imagine the outcome you want in your mind, and you’re making efforts to move toward that outcome, but it’s just not working.

Your energy levels are high, while your results are low because the actions you’re taking are worthless. Why? Because you’re missing the essential information and skills. You’re making blunders because you don’t know any more immeasurable.

I didn’t know any more useful, either. I tried the best I could with what I knew limited things at the time. That didn’t work.

While The months and years are ticking away, every single day that goes by is one more day that you’ll never get to live and enjoy the life you truly want. And knowing that is painful. So would you want that pain to stop? Would you wish to speed up this whole success process and reach the ending line much faster than you are right now?

Then you require to stop working hard and start working smart.


By buying a timesaver that will save your time, Conclusively, building a successful business is solely a matter of knowing how to do it the right way. It’s a matter of obtaining the right knowledge, and to acquire that knowledge, you have two options. You can consume years trying to get it by trial and error through your own efforts. Eventually, you’ll apparently figure it out, but it’s going to take you a very, very long time.

How long?

Well, here’s a partial list of the information you’ll need to learn.

Productivity habits.
Market selection.
Business mission and vision.
Merchandise testing
Product creation
Brand and logo design.
Creative outline.
Customer types.

Entity creation.
Legal documentation.
Website design and development.
Social media marketing.
Paid advertising.
Organic Advertising.
Video production
Shopping cart settings.

Email automation.
Data and dashboards.
Hiring & Outsourcing.
Client service.
Organization culture.
Distribution system.
Customer acquisition.
Tax strategy.


That’s scarcely more than you expected, right? Are you concluding all of this out on your own? Ya, it’s going to take you 5-10 years if you’re working on it every single day.

Well, if you had the opportunity, wouldn’t it be more intelligent and more comfortable to simply BUY the knowledge you need and take control of it TODAY from someone who’s previously done all of this essence successfully, instead of attempting to figure it out all on your own?

That’s what Dev Patel’s Mentoring does for you. You see, most people don’t realize what Dev Patel Mentoring is, or why I invented it. Most people think they’re purchasing a training program. But you’re not.

Most people think I’m marketing courses and services. But I’m not.

Yes, you’re acquiring knowledge and information, but what you’re genuinely Purchasing is time. You’re purchasing the strength to skip over years of defeat and frustration, and you’re pushing all of the marvelous things you want in life FORWARD in time so you can have them quickly. That list above of information and skills you’ll need to obtain to build your business?

Well, Dev Patel’s Mentoring gives you with Each of that knowledge, explained to you most straightforwardly and shortly. I’ve taken 100+ courses & training from my incredible mentors and extracted all of that information into one single year of guided, step-by-step mentorship. All cleverly packaged for you and dropped out each week in the order you need to learn it.

No more confusion. No more frustration. And you have no more wasted time trying to figure it out on your own. If I had passage to this kind of information when I was just getting started, it would have totally changed my life and saved me years of trial and error.

So if you positively want to transform your life for the greater. If you surely want to build a successful business and start living the life you wish to years earlier, then Dev Patel’s Mentoring is the most potent alternative in the world that you can obtain.